
Showing posts with the label controversy
Whose Side Are You On? A braham Lincoln once said, "Sir, my concern is not whether God is on my side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."    Similar to the days of  Lincoln , we live in a sharply divided nation. We are under constant pressure to choose a side in regard to every imaginable issue and even in regard to some things we could never have imagined would become the subject of controversy. In the face of this pressure, some believers choose to reshape their spiritual beliefs to conform with their political views.    They go through a process of dismissing or reinterpreting any portion of scripture which conflicts with the platform of the political party they identify with. There are also people who do not necessarily believe or understand    the Bible, but try to support their views with scripture which has been taken out of context. This is a serious violation of a cardinal principle of theology and will likely lead to a mistaken